That's How We Roll!

Since 1973
<-- Valentines Skate, Click here
Rules for our Skating Center
No Food or beverage may be brought inside our facility.
Tobacco Products are not allowed (Smoking, including E-cigarettes, & Dip)
Gum Chewing is not allowed.
Hats, Caps, Bandanas, Hoodies, Earbuds, or Headphones are not to be worn while on skates.
Clothing Regulations apply. Please do not wear: Bare midriff, Saggy pants, "short" shorts, foul sayings or gestures on clothing.
No climbing or sitting on tables or walls.
Keep food and beverage in concessions area only.
Do not carry anyone while you have on skates.
Chase, tag, and very fast skating is not permitted.
Socks must be worn with skate rental.
Always skate in the same direction, with the traffic.
Do not stop and stand along the walls, please keep in motion.
It is highly recommended for guests to have skates on to be on the skating surface.
Guest must wear skates at all times, except non-skating parents or guardians over the age of 18 years.
Conduct Yourselves as Ladies and Gentlemen.